Our Goal
The IJC Neighbours Coalition is committed to creating opportunities for dialogue and education as a contribution to the elimination of antisemitism, Islamophobia and other forms of hatred and discrimination. Each coalition partner approaches these issues from its own perspective(s) and is supported by the other partners to disseminate its shared goals in Belgium and the wider European context. The IJC Neighbours Coalition is focused on the Belgian context while welcoming support from organisations with similar goals working on a pan-European platform.
Latest Events
In person workshop: Jewish-Muslim Allyship – a Question Mark for a Larger Society
Sunday May 26 2024 / 11am - 5pm
Jews and Muslims remain the two religious minorities in the European context who repeatedly find themselves in the focus of political and social attention. Both communities are marked, it seems, as 'special problems' for society. They face discrimination and marginalisation due to Antisemitism and anti-Muslim racism. At the same time there is often an implicit assumption that both communities also have a 'special problem' with each other. There is a persistent idea that Muslims are especially prone to have antisemitic views and that Jews tend towards anti-Muslim positions, an idea that is often also instrumentalized by right wing populist forces in Europe. In this workshop we want to question and analyse all of these assumptions and views.
Coordinators: Nabila Abdel Aziz from ausARTen in Munich and Leyla Jagiella from the Jüdisch-Muslimische Kulturtage Heidelberg are two experts with years of experience in Muslim-Jewish community-and relationship work. They will share their insights and lead us through a constructive discussion on how a better analysis of the subject at hand can also help us to become better and more inclusive allies.